
Photography: Once a Memorial Function, now a Communication Device

SOCIAL MEDIA: How your Looks on a Picture are Key to your Social Media Webpage

"Me on my Balcony": Vielleicht nicht DAS beste Profilfoto für Social Media.

Taking your own photo has not been a very important skill for decades. Social Media have changed this drastically: Today, the wrong look or a missing smile on a Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter profile can make the difference between success or failure getting the right people to like or contact you.


Social media "...represent the shift of the photograph serving as a memorial function to a communication device,† says Geoffrey Batchen, professor of art history at Victoria University of Wellington, in New Zealand, who has written extensively on historical and contemporary photography.


In "Me, Myself and iPhone", the The New York Times describes what it takes to take the right picture.


Profile pictures can be much more than just the old fashioned portrait picture. Have a look here.